Video - Nathan Hochman
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Enough is Enough

District Attorney George Gascon brought failed San Francisco politics to Los Angeles, sparking rampant smash-and-grab robberies, an explosion of overdose deaths, condemning the homeless to die on the streets.


Enough is Enough.


I’m Nathan Hochman…as an independent district attorney, I’ll get politics out of the D.A.’s Office and restore public safety. This is my promise, I’ll do the job and make LA County safer.


No politics. Just results.

Fixing LA’s Broken Scales of Justice

You know something is wrong when smash and grab robbers are arrested in the morning and out by the afternoon; when fentanyl dealers killing our children are free to operate without fear of serious prosecution; when convicted killers and gang leaders in prison toasting the LA district attorney. The scales of justice are broken in Los Angeles County.


I’m Nathan Hochman and I want to make a change. I’m proud to announce my candidacy for Los Angeles County District Attorney.


For over 30 years I’ve worked on all sides of the courtroom holding people accountable, as a federal prosecutor, a U.S Assistant Attorney General, a defense attorney and president of the LA City Ethics Commission.

George Gascon has played politics with people’s lives for too long. It’s time we had a D.A who fights for victims not criminals, who will protect Public Safety and ensure equal justice for all LA County residents. Join our movement at

Is This Working For You?

George Gascon claims that his extreme policies are working, but his failed record shows otherwise.


As a result of his extreme, pro-criminal policies, violent and property crime have risen substantially in every year he has been in office compared to the year he entered office. Shoplifting is up. Violent crime has risen. While homicides are down in 2024 in cities like San Francisco and San Diego, the murder rate is up in Los Angeles for the year.


Is this working for you?


Enough is Enough.

Discussions with My Daughter

Discussions with My Daughter focuses on the why, how, and what of my campaign for LA County District Attorney. #HochmanForDA

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