Victims Speak Out: Donna Hill & Lodie Pollard - Nathan Hochman
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Victims Speak Out: Donna Hill & Lodie Pollard

Victims Speak Out: Donna Hill & Lodie Pollard

On April 14, 2018, Efrem Demery murdered Michael Pollard and De’Vaughn Carter. Demery, after an altercation with Pollard and Carter, went across the street from the music studio to purchase gasoline and a lighter, then returned to the studio and poured gasoline at the base of the door. He ignited the gasoline, knowing his friends were in the room with no way to get out. Both Michael and De’Vaughn were killed.

Demery was initially charged with two counts of murder with Special Circumstance of multiple murder, but Gascon ordered that the Special Circumstance allegation be dismissed, making the defendant eligible for parole in 20 years because of elder parole (Penal Code 3055).

Gascon refused to meet with the victims’ mothers despite their numerous requests to do so.

The victims’ mothers speak out:

My name is Donna Hill, De’Vaughn Carter‘s mother. My son and his friend were murdered in the Studio City Music Fire on April 14, 2018.

My name is Lodie Pollard. On April 14, 2018, my son, Michael Pollard, was murdered in the Studio City Music Fire.

The man who took my son’s life deliberately set the fire, knowing my son was in the building along with others.

The defendant was mad at Michael and his friend, De’Vaughn Carter, so he set the arson fire inside the building, blocking my son in the room where he died.

The murderer blocked the door where my son was, so he had no way to escape.

The evidence in this case was very strong before Gascon took office.

The man who murdered my son should have been sentenced to life without the possibility of parole because he murdered two people.

The DA’s office was prosecuting the case with the special circumstances of multiple murders which meant that the defendant would be in prison for the rest of his life.

Yet Gascon felt it necessary to remove the special circumstance charges from our case and offer the defendant equivalent to 20 years to life for his despicable act. Which will make him eligible for parole in 20 years. 20 years for deliberately murdering two people isn’t fair and it is not justice for my son.

I called Gascon and requested to meet with him. He has never returned my calls nor met with me. Gascon spit in my face and rewarded the offender. Gascon failed me and my family.

Gascon Must Go.

Vote for Nathan Hochman for Los Angeles County District Attorney

Learn more about Michael Pollard & De’Vaughn Carter at