Donation Update - Nathan Hochman
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Donation Update

The campaign has reached a historic milestone by raising for the first time ever in a District Attorney race the maximum amount that can be spent on the election. THANK YOU TO ALL OUR SUPPORTERS!


We are now raising funds for the LA County DA Foundation, a nonprofit corporation with tax ID 99-5123717 pending 501(c)(3) public charity approval status, whose goals include educating young people on the criminal justice system, working with victims’ rights groups, and providing programs for prisoners to help them integrate back into society. Donations to the Foundation may be tax deductible — please contact your tax advisor in this regard.


The mission of the Foundation complements the priorities of our campaign which has focused on the Before-During-After roles of the DA. The Before role requires the DA Office, working with law enforcement and former prisoners, to educate young people about the consequences of making bad choices and the positive benefits of good choices. The During role involves implementing the “hard middle” approach of accountability for those who violate society’s laws. And the After role consists in investing in prisoner programs to give them productive skill sets while incarcerated so that they can live law-abiding lives once released.


To learn more about the Foundation, visit our website:


To donate to the Foundation, click this link or the button below: