DDA Speak Out - Shawn Randolph - Nathan Hochman
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DDA Speak Out – Shawn Randolph

DDA Speak Out – Shawn Randolph

Shawn Randolph is a veteran L.A. County Deputy District Attorney with 30 years’ experience. Shawn wants Nathan Hochman to replace our current failed D.A. George Gascon, and explains, “When Gascon took office, he enacted sweeping policy changes that required Deputy District Attorneys to take actions that threatened public safety. Knowledgeable prosecutors raised concerns. Gascon punished them for speaking up. As a result, an unprecedented 20 prosecutors filed lawsuits for retaliation. I am one of them.”

Shawn sued her boss, after she alleged Gascon denied her important jobs, retaliating against her, for complaining about his directives and blanket policies – that included minimizing a juvenile’s criminal conduct, no matter how violent, whether for charges for the crime or sentencing or both. The jury heard Gascon and Randolph’s description of the events and behavior, and the jury ruled in favor of Deputy D.A. Randolph and awarded her a sum of $1.5 million in damages. This is just one of 20 similar lawsuits filed against our current failed D.A. Gascon.

Shawn reveals, “Gascon has created a toxic work culture in the District Attorney’s office where Deputy District Attorneys are afraid to speak out. And they are leaving in record numbers.”

The Association of Deputy District Attorneys for Los Angeles, a union representing line prosecutors, said 97.9 percent of its members had voted to back an effort to oust Gascon from office. The morale is at an all-time low and George Gascon’s failed social experiment policies have been challenged as unethical and illegal.

As a Deputy D.A. on the front lines working for Gascon, Shawn confirms the details, “98% percent of Gascon’s prosecutors voted ‘no confidence’ in him. And alarmingly, 229 prosecutors, one fourth of the workforce, have left since his first day in office. This is unprecedented attrition, and staffing is at a record low. When there aren’t enough prosecutors, your public safety is at risk. And prosecutors should never fear speaking up for justice.”

Vote for Nathan Hochman for District Attorney.