RFK Children Rory and Max Kennedy Endorse Nathan Hochman for Los Angeles County District Attorney - Nathan Hochman
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RFK Children Rory and Max Kennedy Endorse Nathan Hochman for Los Angeles County District Attorney

RFK Children Rory and Max Kennedy Endorse Nathan Hochman for Los Angeles County District Attorney

Kennedys say they have ‘lost confidence that Gascon is protecting Angelenos;’ while praising Hochman as ‘a man of integrity who shares many of our father’s values.’

Max Kennedy Nathan Hochman Rory KennedyLOS ANGELES / April 16, 2024 – Rory and Max Kennedy, children of Sen. Robert F. Kennedy, stood today outside the downtown Hall of Justice and announced their support of Nathan Hochman for District Attorney of Los Angeles County.

Rory Kennedy, an Academy Award nominated documentary filmmaker, said she and her sibling, Max, an author and historian, support Hochman because of his diverse background in criminal justice and their belief he will strongly advocate for crime victims while pursuing alternatives to incarceration when appropriate for first-time, nonviolent offenders.

Max Kennedy, who served for more than three years as an assistant district attorney in Philadelphia, said he and his sister were deeply disappointed that current District Attorney George Gascon has refused to even consider opposing parole for murderers and violent rapists.

“Los Angeles deserves a D.A. who cares as much about crime victims as he does about the criminals who murder and rape in cold blood. The D.A. is the only effective advocate for crime victims at parole hearings, and Gascon has abdicated his responsibility. He is simply not qualified to protect Angelenos,” Max Kennedy said.

Rory Kennedy said: “People should feel that the District Attorney has our back. We have lost confidence that Gascon is protecting Angelenos.  Nathan Hochman has our back.”

Max Kennedy added: “The people of Los Angeles County will be much better served by Nathan Hochman, a man of integrity who shares many of our father’s values.”

Hochman, who has served as a federal prosecutor, U.S. Assistant Attorney General overseeing the DOJ’s Tax Division, President of the L.A. City Ethics Commission and as a defense attorney, said he is extremely grateful for the Kennedys’ support.

“Robert F. Kennedy was one of our nation’s greatest leaders and an advocate for the less fortunate who stood strongly against injustice and sought to make our country a better place,” Hochman said. “I am humbled and honored that his children, Rory and Max, support my candidacy for District Attorney. When I am elected, I will strive every day to make them proud, serve the memory of their father and be a champion for victims and their families.”

